Hi there,

What's the golden rule in marketing and design? Steal from the best. It's a loose "steal", obviously... you've never danced through lasers to nab a color scheme. But when you want results, you listen to the ones who've already got them.

In that spirit, we've got over a dozen creative and marketing experts dying to share a few things you desperately need to know about working with AI.

Put the balaclava and lockpicks away, but keep your lootbag out.


Table of Contents

  1. 5 AI tips AI experts need you to know: Be nasty to AI, tell it what to do, and expect it to be a full-time job
  2. This week in AI: Delegate to your clone, liberate yourself
  3. Meme of the week: Could be bigger, right?
  4. From our community: Serena Williams travels through time; TikTok puts on its business pants
  5. On our socials: Talk to our CEO about getting shocked; tell our cute carousel it's cute

5 AI tips AI experts need you to know 🙏

We gathered AI, creative, and marketing's best and brightest to run you through the stuff you need to know before you set one more foot into AI's waters.

There are way more than 5, but, you know... baby steps.

1. Don't expect things to be easy. 😅 The cardinal sin most designers and marketers commit is putting low effort into their prompts and strategy around AI. It's going to be a full-time job if you want it to pay off.

2. Be hyper-critical. 😡 If you're looking for an outlet for your inner control freak, here's your space. Be persnickety about everything AI gives you if you want it to convince anyone.

3. Recognize emotion as the biggest barrier. 🔥 😡🔥 The main reason teams stagnate with AI is they don't feel good about it. The reasons for the feeling vary, but you won't go anywhere without reconciling them.

4. Create SOPs. 📝 Tell AI how YOU like task X done. It’s giving AI your playbook—clear instructions on what needs to be done and how to do it.

5. Interrogate "bad" output. 🔦 Learn from the bot's failure. Asking yourself what you don't like about a response is often a key to getting one you do like.

>> Read all 15 tips


This Week in AI

Clone your (operational) self with AI 🤖

Do you like boring things? No? Then why the heck are you still doing them?

If you'll forgive the language, we've got an 8-step guide to "cloning" yourself so you can do exciting things instead. What's more, the "we" is Nick Taylor, an AI genius* who's been sharpening this method for a while now.

>> Clone thyself

*our words, not his


Meme of the week 😂


From the community 🎨


Nike honors Serena ✔️

All Serenas, to be exact. Their "Never Done Evolving" campaign used AI to crunch data from almost two decades of tennis matches.

They generated 130K games to simulate a matchup between Serena Williams early in her career and her at her 2017 level of play.

>> Check it out

>> Add your take

TikTok is for (product) marketing 🤓

TikTok isn't just for entertainment anymore, but a growing hub for discovery. See how it's risen to become a product marketing platform in this infographic.

If you never considered TikTok a product avenue before now, maybe it's time.

>> Read about it


Join the conversation 💬


What a portal through nerdom, right? Tell me you didn't grow glasses and a CrunchyRoll account just reading that.

Bullying aside, these eggheads know what's up when it comes to AI. 

✨ Stay super (nerdy),


David Wilson

Former Nerd, Current Bully

Superside | The better way to get design done