Hi there,

Imagine a world where creatives and marketers love each other. Where a marketer looks at a designer and feels the same camaraderie they have for their own team, and the Same-Page Club gains another member.

You can have it. Join our upcoming Gather & Grow on July 23rd at 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT, where a creative from Reddit and a marketer from Adobe will show you their model for total harmony between disciplines.


Join live to learn...

  • The model for a strong relationship between marketing and creative
  • What marketing-creative success stories can teach you about collaboration
  • How to overcome internal and external barriers to symbiotic relationship

...and much more. Sign up now to save your seat!


Table of Contents

  1. 4 weird tips for better creative ideas: Turn off your ad blocker, turn it back on, GTFO, watch reality TV
  2. This week in AI: Creative directors debunk the AI bunk
  3. From our sponsor: Hear us out, okay
  4. From the community: IG's chief gets real with creators; Runway gets helpful
  5. Join the fun: Match my freak, designers; inspiring and practical AI

4 weird tips for better creative ideas ✅

The best ideas often come from the strangest places. The brain is an unpredictable thing, and switching out the regular inputs can yield unexpected results.

Our video wizard Kyle runs down some surprising tips for getting the best creative out of that weird gray matter.

1. Turn off your ad blocker. 🚫 For a bit. Turn your marketer brain on every once in a while, and assess what comes at you. What catches your eye? What urges you to close the window instantly? And why?

2. Consume other media, voraciously. 🍽️ Once you've turned your ad blocker back on, make sure you're taking time to get the hell away from marketing. Everything from the highest prose to the trashiest TV show feeds your creative brain something to pull from later.

3. Seriously, go away. 🚶 No, I mean it. Taking a break doesn't just give you time to recharge—it actively gives your subconscious time to put the pieces together. It's why the best ideas seem to hit you in the shower.

4. Take out the notebook. 📔 Take whatever chance you have to "reset" your brain with physical media. It can allow you to grab all the left-field ideas you couldn't when you were staring at a screen. 

>> Watch the video


This Week in AI

Debunk the AI bunk 💫

The biggest AI design myths are affecting how and if teams integrate the new tools.

This week, creative leaders from Figma and Zendesk address some of the most common fibs holding brands back.

>> Read the blog

P.S. I wrote this, so I'll only be mildly offended if you don't read it.


From our sponsor 💼


From the community 🎨


Runway's prompt guide 💡

Video generation tools can be as unwieldy as they are exciting. 

That's why it's always appreciated when the creators just tell you how to get something good out of a tool, as Runway have here.

>> See the guide

IG urges you to be send-worthy 😍

"When you're creating content, think about what you would send to a friend."

That's what the head of Instagram wants creators—and by proxy, marketers—to keep in mind as priority no.1 before they hit "post".

>> See what IG says


Join the fun 👬


If you want the best marketing creative out there, honing the marketing-creative relationship should be the first item on your to-do list.

Join our G&G Tuesday, July 23rd to tie the knot! Grab your spot now.

✨ Stay super,


David Wilson

Senior Content Marketer

Superside | The better way to get design done