Hi there,

Defining a brand is like making a good meme. You puzzle over how to say everything your audience needs to know in one glance, sloughing off all the extraneous "but alsos" to end up with something singular.

It's why memes make for good marketing content. Summing up a problem and summoning a smirk in one frame has worked for every 1M+ meme account we know, and brands do well to take note.

In that spirit, we're going to show you what happens when a social platform tries an all-meme campaign.


Table of Contents

  1. 5 things to know about marketing with memes: They convert faster, blend in better, live longer, and cost pennies 
  2. This week in AI: The "Star Wars by Wes Anderson" guy isn't who you think he is
  3. Meme of the week: Prompting the Met Gala
  4. From our community: TikTok's "AI literacy" clause; Instagram's plea for brevity 
  5. On our socials: There's no formula for success; there's only one *true* love triangle

5 things to know about marketing with memes ✍️

How could you succinctly describe Reddit except to say it is everything? Despite its ubiquity, a lot of their advertisers couldn't get a handle on what the hell Reddit was. 

And when a busy advertiser has to dig to understand what you do, most will just drop off. So, how do you use a familiar format to spell it out for your target persona in 3 seconds? 

An all-meme campaign fit the bill, to the tune of a 50% boost in CTR. Here's what you need to know before you go all-in on memes.

1. They're the cheapest way to be relatable. 💳 Relatability is the holy grail of advertising, and one we spend billions on each year. But when you need a quick in on your prospect's eyeline, there's nothing more cost-effective.

2. They blend into the space. 👥 Most of us avoid looking at ads. But the familiar format of most memes means you don't know you're being advertised to until the message has landed. Checkmate, consumer.

3. They're more likely to convert. ✔️ Forbes found that businesses marketing with memes are 60% more likely to land a purchase. Think of how many memes you see per week and it starts to make sense.

4. Memes are a common tongue. 🙊 Online conversations are increasingly meme-heavy. One survey showed 53% of respondents use them as responses or as cryptic messages, and 28% when words just didn't cut it. Say it in meme.

5. The average meme lives long. 👴 A modern meme has an average lifespan of 4.017 months. It slots nicely into many campaign lifecycles; repurposable for shorter ones and living long enough for extended ones.

>> See how Reddit used memes


This Week in AI

The mind behind Barbenheimer💣

When I say "AI movie", you may imagine a hunched developer in a dim basement; clipping awkward snippets of generated video together for their shot at 15 minutes of fame.

What you don't think of is a filmmaker with 10+ years' experience, and the creator of sensations like "Barbenheimer" and "Star Wars by Wes Anderson". A.K.A. Caleb Ward.

On our friend (and AI marketing know-it-all) Nick Taylor's Brand Bots podcast, he talks to Caleb about AI's ability to democratize creativity. 

>> Listen to the podcast

Nick's also hosting a session on "Cloning Your (Operational) Self" for The Infinite Canvas, our virtual AI creative summit on May 21st & 22nd, so nab a seat now if you're ready to do some hard delegating.

>> Save your seat


Meme of the week 😂


From our community 🎨


Instagram says cut it short ✂️

You can make long videos, but don't expect them to take off. According to Instagram, posting reels longer than 90 seconds hurts your reach in the app.

TikTok, on the other hand, has been prioritizing longer videos. What a tangled web we weave.

>> Get the full reel

TikTok flags AI content 🚩

Speaking of TikTok, the so-successful-it's-illegal video sharing platform is the latest social giant to announce protective AI measures.

The company said it's instilling new labels on content that’s been modified by AI via external tools, as well as "media literacy resources" to help users "better understand how generative AI is being used and misused" in their content.

>> Tik the full tok


When attention spans are as short as a TikTok, coming correct on socials is the best top-level play a brand can make. It's relatable, relatively cheap and creates momentum.

If you can apply the same principles your favorite meme page holds dear to your output, you can elicit the same response from your own audience.

✨ Stay super,


David Wilson

Sr. Content Specialist

Superside | The better way to get design done